About Us
”Vibrant historic communities are places where generations meet and learn from each other. They’re infused with the richness of the past, an abiding appreciation for the present, and a palpable sense of optimism about the future.” — David Brown
Through continuous dedication to the preservation of the historic visual character of Lake Forest, the Lake Forest Preservation Foundation:
Encourages and aids the restoration and preservation of historic sites, structures, landscapes and amenities of the community
Presents educational programs and publishes newsletters to increase knowledge and awareness of Lake Forest’s historic resources
Observes City meetings in order to assist with preservation issues
Conducts research, surveys, and studies related to historic preservation
Recognizes projects in the community that contribute to the visual character of Lake Forest through our annual presentation of Historic Preservation Awards
By focusing on the City’s integrity, beauty and historic character, we help ensure that future generations will continue to value, appreciate and enjoy Lake Forest.
Photography Policy
Permission to use your or your child’s image | I understand that by participating in an event, project, or program sponsored by Lake Forest Preservation Foundation (“LFPF”), I consent to allowing LFPF to use any photograph which may have been taken of me or my child at that time for their purposes and in their literature, or releasing those photographs to members of the press or other media interested in reporting on the event, project or program, or for use in social media. For any questions regarding this policy please contact info@lfpf.org
Our Mission
The Lake Forest Preservation Foundation is dedicated to the stewardship, safeguarding, and endurance of our exceptional architectural and landscape legacy for succeeding generations, through public education, historic preservation and advocacy.
We educate, advocate, and fund for preservation of the City’s historic visual character.
Our Vision
A community sharing a commitment to preserving the historic visual character of Lake Forest.
Our Key Beliefs
We believe in the preservation of the historic visual character of Lake Forest.
We believe that education is essential to create an awareness and appreciation of the historic resources of Lake Forest.
We believe development of Lake Forest should be sensitive to its surroundings.
We believe in the integrity and excellence of architecture.
Our Board
Most LFPF Board meetings are held the fourth Tuesday at 6:30 pm in the Gorton Community Center. Below is our 2023-2024 Board of Directors.
Executive Committee
Brian Norton, President
Jan Gibson, VP Development
Tom Gleason and Nadine Shepard, VP Programs
Arthur Miller and Karla Schwartz, VP Communications
Ray Buschmann, VP Advocacy
Laura Luce, VP Advocacy
Tim Knight, Secretary
Patti Poth, Treasurer
Steve Bedrin
Nicole Curcio
John Diefenbach
Craig Fox
Perry Georgopoulos
Trey Gonzales
John Julian
Jennifer Karras
Dawn Kimbrel
Henry Kleeman
Kelsey Kleinert
Max Lynch
Peter O’Malley
Jim Opsitnik
James Shearron
Jason Smith
Susannah Sullivan
Gina Zisook
Honorary Directors
Pauline Mohr
Shirley Paddock
Linda A. Shields
Executive Director
Jennifer M. McGregor
Past Presidents
Edward H. Bennett, Jr. 1976-1978
Gayle K. Dompke 1978-1980
Gail T. Hodges 1980-1982, 2013-2014
Herbert Geist 1982-1984
Lorraine A. Tweed 1984-1986
Henry P. Wheeler 1986-1988
Sarah D. Wimmer 1988-1990, 1992-1993
Linda A. Shields 1990-1992, 2001-2003
Pauline M. Mohr 1993-1995, 1997-1999
Richard J. DuBourdieu 1995-1997
Edward H. Bennett, III 1999-2001
Alice Moulton-Ely 2003-2005
James F. Herber 2005-2007
Arthur H. Miller 2007-2009, 2015-2017
Tom Daly 2009-2011
Suzanne Boren 2011-2013
Jim Opsitnik 2017-2019
Peter Coutant 2019-2021
Susan R. Athenson 2021-2023