Nominate a Property

Any building or structure in Lake Forest constructed at least fifty years ago is eligible to be nominated for a Historic Preservation Award. Any interested person, including the owner, a neighbor, a friend, or an admiring passerby may submit an entry.


The annual Historic Preservation Awards are based on criteria established by the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties and fall into five categories:

● Preservation - Maintaining the historic integrity of places, buildings as well as landscapes, through conservation, maintenance, and repair.    

● Rehabilitation - Continuing the use of a historic structure or landscape through repair, alterations and additions while protecting its historical, cultural, and architectural character. Includes adaptive reuse. 

 Restoration - Recovering, revealing or representing the state of a historic structure or landscape as it appeared at a particular time in history.    

● Reconstruction - Recreating the form, features and details of a historic structure or landscape through new construction.

● New Construction or Infill - Building new construction that demonstrates exemplary contextual compatibility in an established neighborhood.

Any building, structure or landscape fifty years or older is eligible to be nominated. For the category of New Construction or Infill, new and recent construction is eligible. Nominations may be made by any interested person - the owner, the designer, a neighbor or friend, an admiring passerby. Handsome bronze plaques will be presented to award recipients at the Preservation Foundation's Annual Meeting.

Use the form below to submit your nomination online. For further information, please contact the Lake Forest Preservation Foundation at 847-234-1230 or

Nominations are due by Sunday, March 23, 2025.